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5303194 - 200 SKID GX-HONDA D403 PUMP 300' ELECTRIC REEL Specs & Compare
Product Type100-200 PCO Skid Sprayer
5303194 - 200 SKID GX-HONDA D403 PUMP 300' ELECTRIC REEL Features & Benefits
  • Ag Spray 200 Gallon PCO Tree and Lawn Care Sprayer is a compact unit that can quickly and easily be thrown in the back of most vehicles.  
  • Equipped with a GX160 Honda engine coupled to a D403 Diaphragm Pump to provide reliable pressure that delivers plenty of volume.  
  • Rate at 10.6 GPM and 580 PSI, whether spraying lawns with the 300 feet hose or reaching 36 feet up in a tree the pump will deliver.  
  • Unit is equipped with 300 feet of 1/2" PVC 600PSI hose on an electric rewind hose reel with roller guide.  
  • Comes standard with the PRO 22" spraygun, other sprayguns available to fit your specific application needs.
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