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    **The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. You should obtain personal advice from qualified professionals. This information is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an application. This notice does not guarantee loan approval, nor is it an offer or commitment to make a loan to you on the above terms.

ARJES IMPAKTOR 250 Specs & Compare
ARJES IMPAKTOR 250 Features & Benefits
  • Volvo 5L, 220 horsepower - Tier 4 Final
  • Quick change cassette system - allows for simplifed maintenance, replacement, or refurbishment
  • Available as track with diesel engine or stationary with electric motor
  • Mechanically adjustable side combs (can be run open or closed)
  • Weighs just over15 tons and can easily be transported
  • Wide profile discharge belt with over-belt magnet
  • Wireless radio remote - controls all track and shredding functions
  • Automatic reversing function protects against fracture of the cutting tools
  • Optional finger screen (easy separation of the material flow into two fractions (0-22 mm / 0-60mm)
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