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SR2790 Specs & Compare
Model NumberSR2790
Hydraulic flow requirements15 - 24 gpm
(56.8 - 90.8 lpm)
Hydraulic pressure range2250 to 3500 psi
(15.51 to 24.13 MPa)
Non-angled working width90" (2.29 m)
Angled working width84 1/2" (2.15 m)
Overall angled width94 1/2" (2.40 m)
Weight without options: With float
Without float

1,119 lbs (507.6 kg)
1,102 lbs (499.9 kg)
Direction of travelBi-directional
Material control blade2 each - 1/2" x 5" (1.3 cm x 12.7 cm) urethane
Spike roller9 3/8" (23.8 cm) Dia. with 3/4" x 1 1/2" (1.9 cm x 3.8 cm) carbide tipped studs
Roller speedVariable from 200 - 350 rpm
Roller side bearingsRoller Bearings
Drive chain#50 Double continuous roller chain, high tensile, enclosed in oil bath
Side platesStandard, Removable with Storage Rack
Gauge wheels / depth control2 Each 16.5" x 6.5" air tires w/ sealant and 3/4" (19 mm) roller bearings and spacer height adjustment
Skid shoesReplaceable
Chaincase lubrication2 1/2 Pints (1.18 L) of Shell Gadus S2 V220 00 flowable grease or equivalent
Part No. 821-045C (32oz. bottle) (946 mL)
Add gear lube until it escapes from lower plug hole
SR2790 Features & Benefits
Universal quick attach hitchHitch fits with new and late model skid steers.
72"" (1.83 m) & 90"" (2.29 m)
Working width"
Will cover tracks of different skid steers.
Fixed Hitch
Hitch options: Angle hitch only
Angle/float hitch"
Economically priced. Good for working surfaces that do not have large rocks that need windrowing to one side. Non-floating hitch allows down pressure to be applied while raking.
Economical to purchase. Angling windrows large rocks and debris to one side for easy collection. Non-floating hitch allows down pressure to be applied while raking.
Has all the benefits of the angle hitch plus the parallel arms, when placed in float, allows the gauge wheels and rake to float with the contour of the ground.
Angle options: Hydraulic actuator
Manual actuator"
Allows operator to change rake angle from the seat.
Priced right for operators who seldom change rake angle.
Hydraulic motor
12.5 & 15 cu. in. displacement
(204.8 & 245.8 cc)"
Able to handle high torque loads in heavy conditions.
Wire harness Options:
14 pin connect
2 pin connect with switch
Battery connect with switch"

Connects to a Deutsch 14 pin outlet plug usually located on the loader arm.
Connects to a Deutsch 2 pin outlet plug located behind the driver's seat.
Connects to the skid steer battery.
72"" (1.83 m) = 3"" x 3"" x 1/4"" Tube frame
90"" (2.29 m) = 6"" x 3"" x 1/4"" Tube frame"
Superior in strength.
Angling adjustment:
20 degrees left & right
Angling allows proper flow of material wanting to be windrowed to allow for easy collection of large rocks and debris.
3/4"" x 1 1/2""
Carbide tipped stud roller
Carbide tipped studs are very tough, used in the mining industry, this offers a long life to the studs. Studs can be replaced one at a time.
16.5" x 6.5" Gauge wheels with sealantEasy to adjust vertically to set working depth. Has tall and wide tires that keep turning in fluffy soil. Sealant helps seal against punctures.
Side plates with storageSide plates can be used to hold dirt to aid in filling low spots. Easily store the side plates on the Powered Rake so that they are always with the Rake when needed.
Two material control bladesMaterial control blades determine what size of material to let pass through the roller and what size to move out. Two blades allow for forward and reverse rotation of the roller.
Bi-directional rollerEnables more complete finish and control.
Variable roller speed (200 to 350 rpms)Variable roller speed is controlled by the skid steer hydraulics and can be used in tight areas to lessen the possibility of flying debris.
#50 Double continuous roller chainDouble chain can take the fluctuation loads from the roller due to varying ground conditions.
Cast Iron chaincase housingStrong enough to protect chain in harsh conditions.
Drive chain enclosed in oil bathA small amount of oil keeps the chain and sprockets lubricated to keep abrasion to a minimum.
Replaceable skid shoesSkid shoes protect larger and vital parts of the unit. As they wear due to soil contact, they can easily be replaced.
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