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BSE20 Specs & Compare
Weight of Unit208 lbs.
Number of Spears2
Frame Lift Capacity
24" from face of frame
2,500 lbs
Spear Probe Length
Face of Frame to End of Point
Spear Diameter1 3/4"
Hitch TypeEuro Hitch Type
BSE20 Features & Benefits
DESIGNED TO FIT SKID STEER LOADER HITCHES OR EURO STYLE HITCHESThe BS Series can be attached to machines fitted with a Skid Steer adapter mounting plate and the BSE Series can be attached to machines fitted with a Euro style adapter mounting plate.
BALES CAN BE PUSHED WITH SINGLE AND DOUBLE SPEAR UNITSGood for pushing bales onto side dump trailers.
SPEAR UNITS PUNCH HOLES IN END OF BALE NOT IN THE CIRCUMFERENCEVery little moisture can enter the bale where spears punch. Grappling type bale lifts punch holes in the circumference allowing moisture to penetrate the bale and accelerates bale deterioration.
SINGLE SPEAR UNITS ALSO INCLUDE TWO SHORT BALE SPIKESBale spikes keep bale from rotating on the single spear.
SINGLE SPEAR UNITS TAKES LESS FORCE TO PUSH THE SPEAR INTO THE BALEBales of all sizes won't shift positions as easily while pushing the spear into the bale. Single spears are ideal for lifting smaller lighter bales.
DOUBLE SPEAR UNITS HAVE TWICE THE LIFTING CAPACITYTwo spears can lift twice as much weight as a single spear. Also, the two spears spaced apart miss the soft inner core of a bale and probe the harder outer area allowing the spears to lift a heavier bale.
DOUBLE SPEAR UNITS PROBE LOWER ON THE BALEThey can lift the bale higher.
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