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BSR30 Specs & Compare
Specifications & Capacities
Model No.BSR30
Frame lift capacity 24" from face of frame1 - Square bale up to 3,000 lb (1361 kg)
3-Point hitch categoryCat. II & Cat. III
Quick Hitch CompatibleYes, if Bale Spear is supported on blocks. 
Spear diameter1 3/4" (4.4 cm)
Number of spears3
Overall spear length

32" (0.81 m)
39" (0.99 m)
49" (124 m)
Spear probe length Short
Face of frame to Medium
end of point Long
27 1/2" (0.70m)
33 5/8" (0.85 m)
44 1/8" (1.12 m)
Weight of unit

165 lbs (75 kg)
170 lbs (77 kg)
180 lbs (82 kg)
Number of spikesN/A
Spike diameter and probe lengthN/A
Spike probe length
Face of frame to end of point
BSR30 Features & Benefits
Cat.II & Cat. III 3-Point hitchWorks well with a lot of tractors.
Quick Hitch compatibleEasy to hook-up and unhook with a Quick Hitch.
Bale Spear must be supported on blocks to use the Quick Hitch.
Replaceable spearsSpears are easily replaced if damaged.
Bales can be pushed with multi-spearsGood for pushing bales onto side dump trailers.
Spears punch holes in end of bale, not in the circumferenceVery little moisture can enter the bale where the spears punch. Grappling type bale lifts punch holes in the circumference allowing moisture to penetrate the bale and accelerates bale deterioration.
BSR20 features two spearsIncreased lift capacity and stability when lifting a single round bale.
BSR30 features three spearsGreat for lifting a single square bale.
BSR30 spears are available in 32", 39", & 49" lengths (0.81m, 0.99m, & 1.24m)Allows customer to select a spear length that won't punch holes on the opposite side of the bale but long enough to penetrate more than two-thirds the way into the bale for lift stability.
BSR40 features four spearsGreat for lifting two round bales at the same time.
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