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    **The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. You should obtain personal advice from qualified professionals. This information is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an application. This notice does not guarantee loan approval, nor is it an offer or commitment to make a loan to you on the above terms.

330 Trencher Specs & Compare

330 Trencher Features & Benefits
  • Category 1ASAE S217.12 standard, three-point mount for 15–30 PTO HP hydrostatic tractors
  • Maintenance-free PTO shaft drive with automatic slip clutch for overload protection
  • 14" discharge auger
  • 30" and 36" digging depth available to fit most applications
  • 38,000 lb 1.654" anti-back flex-chain for tooth pattern versatility to support many soil types and conditions
  • Compatible with model 615 chains
  • ASAE S278.6 standard quick-attach compatible
  • Support stand is a standard feature
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